Tattoo of blue roses on chest
Tattoo of battle royale on back
Tattoo of grizzly bear
Tattoo of cheetah head
Tattoo of crawling tiger
Tattoo of black work on arm
Tattoo of pterocentaur
Tattoo of black work on arm
Tattoo of panther head on neck
Tattoo of skull with headdress
Tattoo of lady head with wings
Tattoo of snake and skull
Tattoo of eagle on top of hand
Tattoo of lady head on top of hand
Tattoo of tiger with dagger
Tattoo of Sailor Jerry devil
Tattoo of crawling panther with eagle head
Tattoo of crawling panther
Tattoo of dragon
Tattoo of angel on back
Tattoo of red spiderweb on arm
Tattoo of reaper on back of leg
Tattoo of shark and rose on top of hand
Tattoo of flowers in vase
Tattoo of tombstone and skull on feet
Tattoo of cross with spiderweb
Tattoo of wolf on leg
Tattoo of Grim Reaper on arm
Tattoo of skull with blood drips
Tattoo of parrots on back
Tattoo of Hannya mask on arm
Tattoo of spider on top of hand
Tattoo of skull with cowboy hat on upper arm
Tattoo of grim reaper on upper arm
Tattoo of Hannya mask on neck
Tattoo of eagle with flowers
Tattoo of sheep head on top of hand
Tattoo of red roses on arm
Tattoo of panther head on lower back
Tattoo of lady on a cross made from rock
Tattoo of Jesus on back
Tattoo of skull on side of leg
Tattoo of uzi gun on arm
Tattoo of spider on skull
Tattoo of hot stuff devil
Tattoo of black Hannya mask
Tattoo of Grim Reaper on back
Tattoo of peacock on leg
Tattoo of eagle on chest
Tattoo of lady liberty